Christian.... we are no less than masterpieces... works of a Master, Songwriter, Poet, or Artist! That's what Paul's wording means in this verse... something that is composed or constructed, something that is being made, the product, the thing made. Poiema meant any work of art.
We can be considered much like a statue or a song or architecture or a poem or a painting... a "work of art", especially a poetic product. In the ancient Greek translation of the Jewish scriptures, poiema refers to God's work in creation. The only other place in the New Testament we find this word is in Romans...
"For ever since the creation of the world His invisible nature and attributes, that is, His eternal power and divinity, have been made intelligible and clearly discernible in and through the things that have been made (His handiworks). So [men] are without excuse [altogether without any defense or justification]" Romans 1:20
It is a real thing that is occurring, (even as we are reading this)... something is happening to us... better, closer, further along toward the finished work we become. The Master is at work! Now, we stump our toe going to the kitchen and say a bad word... or, we are treated with disrespect at work and vent our anger at home. It doesn't seem, at times, that this "handiwork" is working, but the problem is, "we are the painting or song, itself". Like an artist or sculptor, God already sees the finished work, because He is The Master.
It only hurts your present physical and mental condition to worry and condemn yourself for what you observe now instead of trusting what God is doing. Instead of beating ourselves (and one another) up, when we see these problems occur. Just fix them and keep trusting God's work. By fix, I mean apologize, go tell the truth, replace the thing you broke in anger, try to restore the relation... put a reminder on the fridge, whatever helps... but don't give up on The Master's workmanship!
Great care and consideration has gone into what you will be when He is done, for Paul says, "God predestined... He has planned beforehand... He prepared ahead of time". Do we trust in and rely upon the work of The Master today, my friends? Let's pray for one another to receive this wonderful word today... Amen?
Let's pick up with Ephesians verse 2:11 next time.
I love you.
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