We were raised up out of the death, which had been assigned to us by our very nature! Upon our salvation, we also began at that moment, into the newness of life, in Christ Jesus. Now let me ask you... Can a believer, one who has truly put his faith into Jesus Christ, go back and live as if he is still in Adam... you make up your own mind!
But is it no wonder John says you can't habitually sin and call yourself a Christian! You are dead to that lifestyle! God made us alive together in fellowship and in union with Christ! He gave us the very life of Christ Himself, the same new life with which He quickened Him, for, He has given us also.
We have been united with Christ. That word "united" means, planted... which gives the idea of being planted together with. It's just like taking a branch and grafting it onto a tree. The life of the tree now floods into and feeds the branch. Jesus used this same picture of this union in John 15 when He says, to us, that "I am the vine; you are the branches. And because you abide in Me, you will bear much fruit.
It's not you doing it, it's Me in you doing it!" Christ's life is the resurrected life that we are now intertwined into. There is nothing that can separate us from this new life in Him! Again, in this verse, we are reminded that we did not deserve this kind of love!
Jesus taught the we are to turn the focus of our faith toward God's love, and in understanding (to the best of our ability) how very much God loves us, we can and will be drawn into closer "fellowship" with Him. This was the very purpose of Christ's pouring Himself out on the cross!
Let's pick up with Ephesians verse 2:6-7 next time.
I love you.
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