This verse supports the fact that we can't simply assume that everyone that appears to be saved is saved... that, some do believe they are saved, but may be deceived. Here is one of the underlying reasons... For Paul says, "Assuming that you have really heard Him". It's hard for many to explain, but, even though Jesus died, He is still alive and can be heard! Not necessarily audibly, but in spirit... His Word speaks things to our heart. He speaks through His writing, but the writing is not what is speaking. Neither does His writings and what He speaks to our heart ever contradict each other. You can read a verse today and He will speak to you on another phase of His truth that you did not see the last pass of the same text, but He will never contradict Himself. When it appears to, then "we" must have missed the context... came to the text with preconceptions, forgot to pray, etc.... all of which can quench The Reveler of God's Word!
When Christ is allowed into our heart, upon salvation, an amazing thing happens (among many things), but now when we read His Word (which we did not understand before), that Word then comes into agreement with Him "The Word", Whom is now within us! Christ must be inside the reader in order for His truth to be revealed.
The bible is His truth, yes... however, let's read this verse one more time... "Assuming that you have really heard Him and been taught by Him, as [all] Truth is in Jesus [embodied and personified in Him]"... you see, you can read the truth all you want, but until you have Jesus, you will not know the truth! Praise God!
Let's pick up with Ephesians verse 4:22 next time.
I love you.
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