Oneness! You, know, the Army's new motto is "Army Of One"... But we whom are in Christ Jesus, have been an Army Of One ever since the Holy Spirit was given at Pentecost! You must "feel" and "appreciate" the beauty and power in this real and literal embodiment - which is present and grew a little bigger when you were added. You must continue to test your faith if you don't sense that you are inside and connected to this body of Christ and other Christians. But, Paul is referring to that moment when you were filled with the Holy Spirit... it began this "oneness" described here, with God, with the indwelling of Christ and The Holy Spirit, along with all those whom also are joined with the one same Spirit. Together, we have the same promise of our destiny which is an eternity with God, along with all the other promises of the New Testament - Hope! Not an "Oh, I really hope this is true."... but, a "Yes, this is the truth, and so it literally "is" something to hope for."
5. "[There is] one Lord, one faith, one baptism."
This Army Of One we are in, has one Commander-In-Chief, leading us. He has one set of guidelines, rulebook, marching orders... one faith, which we must learn, believe in and abide by. And there is only one indoctrination into this army and that is through the infilling of the Holy Spirit. It is a one time indoctrination into oneness!
6. "One God and Father of [us] all, Who is above all [Sovereign over all], pervading all and [living] in [us] all."
One body -- one God." Paul began with the scattered body of believers throughout the world, and ends with the invisible God, the generating source of everything. "One God" -- who is absolute Sovereign, performing His Word, doing His good pleasure and His own will (1:5,11) to carry out His eternal purpose in Christ for the Church. "One Father", Our Father... by His choice and "predestinated unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ" to be His habitation on earth. Praise God!
Let's pick up with Ephesians verse 4:7 next time.
I love you.
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