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Ephesians 6:10

" In conclusion, be strong in the Lord [be empowered through your union with Him]; draw your strength from Him [that strength which His boundless might provides]." Ephesians 6:10

Wives, Husbands, Children, Slaves, Masters... whatever role the Christian is in... whatever instruction God has given us each to live by... there is a strength that is available to endure and achieve these things God has given to us to do. The Amplified adds, be empowered through your union with Him... and certainly, there is a union of some kind in all the relationships we've learned about here, but Paul's says that the power is in the union with Christ, first.

In meditating on the last note, "draw your strength from Him"... we look at how we draw from God. I need an example and God gave me one in my prayer today... the story in 1 Kings 19:1-18. God encourages Elijah to do three things: to draw strength from God's provision, God's presence and God's people. First, we must draw strength from God's provision. God has provided two necessary things for the human body to function well: food, and rest. We need both! Second, we must draw strength from God's presence. God speaks to Elijah in "a still small voice" to remind Elijah that he is there and that he cares for him. And third, we must draw strength from God's people... the rest of our body... Christ's body!

I am from a family who has clearly been oppressed for generations by a spirit of depression. I don't struggle with it like I use to. They're still there... I see them... but I ignore them. You can tell sometimes when they're trying to "get to me", because "you'll" get a Word of encouragement from me. Sound strange? Well, I've learned that, if you want love, you must love... if you want to receive, you must give. God's ways are not our way... and most usually, it's opposite of ours... hehe. So, when I am down to a small amount of encouragement, I start spreading it to anyone that will take it. What happens next, is simply amazing! I start getting comments, messages, and letters back, like, "Preston, you don't know how much your poem (or whatever) encouraged me". THAT, really then, encourages me and I am strengthened beyond measure. Was it God or me... well, it's God's Word that I put into action. Waiting for God to encourage me is not what "Drawing" means. I am drawing on God's strength when I put His Word into ACTION. We better stop here, but you get the idea. Praise God!

Let's pick up with Ephesians verse 6:11 next time.

I love you.

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