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Ephesians 6:17b

"...and take the sword that the Spirit wields, which is the Word of God." Ephesians 6:17b

Trying to compare what "taking" the Word of God, which the "Holy Spirit" wields, is very hard to do. I thought of being tied onto a wild horse, which we have no control over... pulling right on the reins, yet it jumps to the left... spurring it to "go", yet it stays, or pulling back on the reins and it keeps going... so much power we've become "part" of, yet so little control over. But I can't compare the Holy Spirit to... "anything". Unlike anything else that might be uncontrollable, the Holy Spirit has order in what He is doing... a perfect plan behind what He does, great reasoning... In fact, He (The Holy Spirit) is God, The Word (Christ) He is wielding is God also. As difficult as that seems to imagine, one thing that is NOT difficult to understand is that NOWHERE does the Bible say that "WE" wield God's Word. Knowing in my heart that I've received the Holy Spirit, "still try to"wield" God's Word as though I know what I am doing. This strikes me odd, because one of the things that brought me to Christ was, "my being tired of the tragedy in my life from "me" doing what "I" thought was needed". So how do we "take" something that's uncontrollable?

Well, I remember being lead to write a prayer for someone who was sick once. I felt in my heart that God had both put the need on my heart, and given me the word to say in prayer... ok? So far, it seems that I had "taken" what the Holy Spirit was wielding... right? Well, because it was so effective and spiritual, I thought, "Hey, I will save it and use it again later"... wrong! The Holy Spirit said, "NO... it's dead now". I asked why, and I was lead to the teaching of Manna. God's people in the desert were sustained daily by this manna. Some would try to save it for the next day, yet it would spoil. God's Word is for Him alone to wield... He alone knows the timing, the purpose, and to what end. Any control we take in the "wielding" of His Word is "SIN"... we spoil it... It will not sustain. In relationship to war-fighting, it is powerless because it will be in our own power and NOT in God's power.

Taking it, therefore is also waiting for "His" leading in "His" Word. Our "reasoning" toward what would be the right word and being led by the Holy Spirit are night and day apart. It takes time and practice to live by the Spirit. Making mistakes in deciding between the two can be a learning process... but well worth the effort. Even in error, I have seen God's grace on the side of error because He knew I really thought it was His leading. It still caused pain... but I also felt His grace.

Taking the Word of God as the Holy Spirit wields, also means accepting it... not being afraid to do what His Word has spoken. It means putting it into action even if you don't understand. Finally, Soldiers... the more of God's Word that we have hidden in our hearts, the easier and quicker we can "move out" in His Word when The Commander says, "Charge".

Let's pick up with Ephesians verse 6:18 next time.

I love you.

1 comment:

  1. An excellent 'exposition' Brother on the workings of the Holy Spirit in our lives. I must find 'more' time to read your blogs and 'digest' the valuable teaching. I pray for more 'discipline' to do so as I truly believe that we've been called to support each other in this 'valuable' ministry of extending God's Kingdom through the 'modern' medium of the internet. The truth is if we don't claim it for God's works the enermy certainly will! We must in 'love' stand united under the 'banner' of our Lord and His banner over us is love!
