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James 1:13-15

"Let no one say when he is tempted, I am tempted from God; for God is incapable of being tempted by [what is] evil and He Himself tempts no one." James 1:13

God is pure Love, and God loves perfectly... but have you ever thought about what makes God "feel" loved? Did your thoughts take you to the issue of "choice"? It can't be any other way from God's side. To "make" someone love Him, He would always know it. He'd listen to all the praise and hallelujah and know that He made us do it, and that's not love? Therefore, God had to create choice within the creatures He loved. And so then, we have the choice of Lucifer... the most beautiful angel of all, whom chose NOT to love and was cast down to reign on earth and we now know him as satan.

Then there is the case of Adam and Eve, whom also chose NOT to love God. These creations were created by an Ever-loving God... and both chose to turn. Well, it so happens that in these two creations we find temptation, and never in their creator. None of the temptation in the world has ever been presented by God. That is why James says "God is incapable of being tempted by [what is] evil and He Himself tempts no one." Now, with that set in our minds... we move to what I believe is the most simple explanation of "the way sin works"... the mechanics, or formula of sin. Let's read the next two verses together and then break them down.

14. "But every person is tempted when he is drawn away, enticed and baited by his own evil desire (lust, passions). 15. Then the evil desire, when it has conceived, gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is fully matured, brings forth death."

This is so important... so, let's break it down now.
a. "every" person is tempted... When?
b. when he is drawn away... How?
c. he is enticed and baited by his own evil desire, lust, passions...
Then what happens?
d. the evil desire, when it has conceived, gives birth to sin...
Then what happens?
e. sin, when it is fully matured, brings forth death.

Notice that sin does not actually occur in this formula until, the evil desire is conceived. This is the point in our mind, when the desire we have (whether from external or internal) is being CONSIDERED... Now James will talk more about this later, but for now, let's consider something Paul says...

"[Inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One), " II Cor 10:5.

We must bring our thoughts under the control of the Holy Spirit... because if we don't... "when it is fully matured, brings forth death".

Let's pick up with James verses 1:16-17 next time.

I love you.

1 comment:

  1. "Let no one say when he is tempted, I am tempted from God; for God is incapable of being tempted by [what is] evil and He Himself tempts no one." James 1:13
