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James 5:9

9. "Do not complain, brethren, against one another, so that you [yourselves] may not be judged. Look! The Judge is [already] standing at the very door."

If patience is being worked out by our faith in what Christ is doing... then complaining doesn't really make sense does it? Do we forget that the same God that is doing a work in us, is also doing a work in our brothers and sisters in the faith. If I have struggled and found life's decisions hard to make at times... why am I so hard on others?

Maybe I've become proficient at not breaking the rules... and maybe it bothers me that others still struggle... but I must not forget the greatest commandment... to love! Our grumbling about each other hurts each other, and God too. It happens when we take our focus off of God and upon ourselves.

Helping a fellow Christian away from sin is one thing, but grumbling means... "I don't like how God is taking so long with them"... it means, "I don't have confidence in God's plan"... and GOD HEARS OUR GRUMBLINGS.

God is so ready to roll up all that is evil in this world... we know it's true because He detests sin! And the only thing that keeps Him from doing it right now is that one other soul that will complete His body. Well, if this is true, then we must consider how quickly Jesus could come back at any moment.

Let's pick up with James verse 5:10 next time.

I love you.


  1. I could never be the person God wants me to be without Jesus living in me. Praise God for His perfect plan.

  2. Oh... I know it is the truth, Teral. We are like a wind-up marching doll headed straight for the end of the porch, ever time He set's us back right. We cannot live right without Him.

    Luv ya.
