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Twas The Night Before Christ Came

'Twas the night before Christ came and all through the land,
His people were praying for the salvation of man.
Earthly tradition was thick in the air,
symbols of self celebration hung everywhere.
Children were nestled all snug in their bed,
waiting for someone quite different instead. ‘

'Twas the night before Christ came and all through the land,
His people were praying for the salvation of man.
Joy and laughter of self pleasure was heard through the night,
as many celebrated tradition with all of their might.
But little did they know as they enjoyed their tradition,
the very next day prophecy would come to fruition.

'Twas the night before Christ came and all through the land,
His people were praying for the salvation of man.
But this night I heard something and ran in a dash.
I opened the shutters and moved back the sash.
Then, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
a beautiful angel who said, “here now draw near”.

Then said he, “your Father has heard you and begs you hold on”,
“Keep praying, Dear Saint, for tomorrow you’ll be gone”.
‘Twas the night before Christ came and all through the land,
His people were praying for the salvation of man.
With wings like an eagle and bright as the moon,
before I could thank him, he was gone all too soon.

But as he was rising I heard him once more,
His voice rang right through me as I heard him implore…
"Now, Preston! Now, Marcia! Now, Brenda and Mike!
On, Joey! On Penny! Pray all yee Christians alike! ‘
'Twas the night before Christ came and all through the land,
His people were praying for the salvation of man.

I love you.

By: Preston Pittman “Twas The Night Before Christ Came”

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