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Unrush Me

Slow my feet, Lord,
I want to walk in your ways.
Establish my stride
to the tempo of praise.

Slow my lips, Lord,
I want to speak life.
May my words spur love, 
instead of anger and strife.

Slow my hands, Lord, 
I want to embrace
the everyday miracles
wrapped in your grace.

Slow my eyes, Lord,
I want to glimpse what you see
when you gaze through the lens
of eternity.

Slow my soul, Lord,
I want life to the brim.
Invade my heart
And settle right in.

Slow my mind, Lord,
I want to ponder your truths.
Make Christ my best thought
and your Spirit my muse.

Unrush me, Lord,
set me free from the flurry.
Fix what’s been broken
by my hustle and hurry.

Unrush me, Lord,
So when my short life is through,
the footsteps I leave
will point straight to you. 

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