Some Christians, like myself, may not be able to argue great theological religious discussions, but we can still be effective witnesses for Jesus Christ, simply because we know He is the way to God (John 14:6). I found this story, some time back, which helps put this verse in great perspective.
Dwight Slater, who is a retired missionary doctor, said that while he was serving in Africa, he had trained a brilliant but unschooled man to serve as his surgical assistant. Kolo was a quick learner, and soon he was able to perform surgeries. A team of doctors from the United States was in Africa to provide some short-term help. They were performing operations when they came across a condition rare in the US but common in Africa. When they weren't sure what to do, Kolo took the surgical instruments, cut through layers of tissue and ligaments, and corrected the problem. When the amazed doctors began quizzing Kolo on the specifics of the complicated procedure, he answered simply, "I do not know the terms; I just know the way."
Jesus Christ is The Way! The lost souls all around us today, need the simple message that God loves them and that Jesus died for their sin and that they must accept Him by faith. Amen?
Let's pick up with Ephesians verse 2:19-20 next time.
I love you.
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