"This is" - was added by the translators to make a smoother connection with the previous truths - the mystery itself, its revelation and its making known the wisdom of God before the angels. Remember that Ephesians 3:2-13 is a single sentence in the original Greek text, like a "parentheses" where Paul has explained the origin of the Church, and that, now anyone, Jew or Gentile whom trusts in and relies upon Christ Jesus, are made one body in Christ. Through Jesus, God made all that to happen!
12. In Whom, because of our faith in Him, we dare to have the boldness (courage and confidence) of free access (an unreserved approach to God with freedom and without fear).
In the Old Testament only the High Priest could go into that Holy of Holies and then only once per year (Lev 16). The book of Hebrews really explains how Christ fulfills all that was laid out in the Old Testament. It explains how, at the point of Calvary, the veil between the holy place and the holy of holies has been rent. At that point in Gods plan "we became the temple" as we accept what Christ did. We become the dwelling place of our Lord. Therefore, we can come in to the presence of God again, with confidence and with boldness because of the shed blood of the innocent Lamb, Jesus Christ.
"Since therefore, brethren, we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He inaugurated for us through the veil, that is, His flesh, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water." Hebrews 10:19-22
That word, Boldness (3954) (parrhesia, from pas = all + rhesis = speech), literally gives the idea of freedom to say all. It is that attitude of openness that comes from a freedom and lack of fear. There will always be a godly, reverential fear which is appropriate, but not a fear based on an unacceptance and wrath, because our sin is truly hidden from God through Christ's covering. When God looks at us, the bible says He sees the righteousness of Christ. The lies of this world, the condemning whispers of the enemy, our flesh, and ignorance of this Word we are reading today, keep us from having this boldness to walk in the presence of God. Oh, we must accept this truth today, dear friends.
If we have accepted the gift of salvation, let's open it and enjoy all that is inside the gift, by trusting in and relying upon what Christ has and is doing for us today! Amen?
Let's pick up with Ephesians verse 3:13-14 next time.
I love you.
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