So, here we are now... We are at the place in this chapter, where Paul has been bringing us to, since verse 2. All of what he has told us up to this point was to bring us to this next thought. If we can get our hearts and minds around God's deep, eternal, and immeasurable love for us, we can understand why Paul was so at peace... more concerned with what God was inspiring him to tell us and less concerned about what circumstances were around him... even, to give up his life for sharing it. Let's continue with Paul...
14. "For this reason [seeing the greatness of this plan by which you are built together in Christ], I bow my knees before the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."
It is a common thing to see someone fall to their knees, when they have grasped the reality of how much God Loves us... how active in the business of man, He is! You've been there, at least once if you are a Christian... that moment when the impact of love hits you, specially the "first" time in your "loveless" life prior to salvation. I believe this is a good place to consider what will happen to every man and women when God's Love is realized.
"For it is written, As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to Me, and every tongue shall confess to God [acknowledge Him to His honor and to His praise]." Romans 14:11
Now, this is an interesting truth, but begs the question... How will it be, that "every" knee will bow? What of all the scripture that show us God will not make man revere Him, like Joshua 24:14-15, and Isaiah 63:17-19... and many more.
So why will someone who has hated God all their life, bow before God in true reverence? In Ecclesiastics, Solomon teaches us that God turns man's wisdom into folly in hopes that it will turn him to revere God, but that still leaves it up to man to revere or NOT. No, it will be at that point where man finally comes into the knowledge and understanding of God's Love for him that he will bow before his Creator.
Now, that can happen today if we will accept it in faith. And it can grow as we consider, study, dwell, bask, and focus on His love, and allow it to fill us. But at the point of death, all men will receive knowledge of all things, no longer hidden by sin and a fallen nature, God's full measure of love will be revealed. Then and only then will "EVERY" knee bow! Amen?
In verse 14, we see Paul as one who has seen this love. He walked in the presence of that kind of love in the life of Christ Jesus... Amen? Paul shared that love, and he begins to share his prayer for us.
Let's pick up with Ephesians verse 3:15-16 next time.
I love you.
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