Of course, we know the mystery Paul speaks of here is that both Jews and Gentiles have become equal heirs of the same, one body of Christ. "I already briefly wrote to you", refers to Ephesians 1:9 and 10, and then in 2:11-22. This is not revealed anywhere in the bible until Christ's ministry to His disciples.
I think it deserves a moment to reflect on the burden of responsibility he must have felt... as well as the battle that must have ensued, spiritually, because of this revelation. And while we may not have physically walked with Jesus, as Paul did... still, you and I, through the Holy Spirit, have experienced Christ's presence with us.
Not to mention, the fruit of The Holy Spirit, enough to say to ourselves, "there's no going back"... whether the world accepts the revelations God gives us or not... our faith and obedience is unto the death. Amen? You know Paul could see where this was all taking him!
But another thing we see in this passage is that when God gives us a revelation such as Paul received, that it is given for edification of the whole body, and is not meant to hold to ourselves or a select group. We just read, in chapter two, that Christ preached "the same message to both, those far off and near... to both Jew and Gentile"!
4. When you read this you can understand my insight into the mystery of Christ.
Mysteries found in Gods Word fall into two categories... some have already been revealed, like the incarnation of Christ and the salvation of sinners. Others are yet to be seen, (completely) such as the evil of the last day, the coming Antichrist, and the general resurrection.
We can take great comfort that the mysteries which bear on our salvation and the work of the Holy Spirit are already revealed. Jesus, Himself trusted God with things only His Father, God knew... Such as His own final return (Mark 13:32). And so we too, trust God with these things.
5. [This mystery] was never disclosed to human beings in past generations as it has now been revealed to His holy apostles (consecrated messengers) and prophets by the [Holy] Spirit.
The Amplified rendering of "not" as "never" signifies absolute negation. In other words God's revelation that Paul is unveiling here had not ever been known up until now (at the time of his writing). It follows that it is futile to try to find this truth in the Old Testament!
Yes, there might be some shadows and some so-called "types" (we must be careful too, in saying something is a "type") in the Old Testament, but the truth Paul is now explaining was absolutely not known at that time.
Let's pick up with Ephesians verse 3:6 next time.
I love you.
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