"for what reason"... because he has preached that we are now part of the same temple that Paul himself was made one of the foundations in, he has been imprisoned! But look how he see's it... "I, Paul, am the prisoner of - Jesus the Christ - for the sake and on our behalf!
Paul is certain that The Lord has full knowledge of what has become of him and is in control of what is happening. Wherever you came to God at, in your life... wherever you are right now... wherever God "has" you, you have no need to be ashamed or low in spirit. You have no need to worry if God will be able to use you or do a great work with you, because look where Paul (a foundation piece) was, when he wrote this!
2. "Assuming that you have heard of the stewardship of God's grace (His unmerited favor) that was entrusted to me [to dispense to you] for your benefit."
Scholars say that the way Paul says this, gives the idea of assurance. We could render it..."Surely you have heard" or "Since you have heard". They really had heard about Paul's stewardship of God's grace for them. "And Paul's ministry to us (the Gentiles) whom God appointed him to was not his idea.
We must remember what Paul was like before God got hold of him. This new assignment as a foundation to something huge God was making was not something that Paul could make up. No, this was and is still today, the work of God, who is the great family steward.
God assigns ministries... He begins them and ends them. Whatever happens, God does it or has allowed it - to His Glory.
Let's pick up with Ephesians verse 3:3-5 next time.
I love you.
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