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Piercing The Darkness

The love of Jesus is as a bright and piercing light that shines into the darkness and divides the darkness.  Although generally love serves the purpose of uniting, the love of Jesus serves the purpose of dividing.

Luke 12:51, “Do you suppose that I came to give peace on earth? I tell you, not at all, but rather division.”

Jesus clearly states that part of His purpose on earth was to bring forth division amongst, not only the different peoples of the earth, but also within families.

Verse 53, “Father will be divided against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother….”.

Jesus was called first to the Jewish nation, where Jesus caused an incredible amount of division. His piercing light of love shone into the darkness of the Jewish nation and split the nation. There were Pharisees on one side and Sadducees on the other and those who chose to believe in Him in the middle.

The nation was in turmoil with fighting between those who believed that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the Living God, and those who believed that the Messiah had not yet arrived. To this very day there is still deep division amongst the Jewish nation and anyone amongst the traditional Jews, who steps out and declares that Jesus was indeed the Messiah and becomes a Jew for Christ, is likely to be ostracized by the Jewish community and indeed by His own family. 

When someone who is brought up in a Good Muslim home running under the guidance of Islam, decides to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, that person is cast out of the family and disowned by both the family and community in many instances. The love of Christ fills their hearts and yet divides them from their families and communities.

Religion is  the cause of many wars and many fights, causing serious damage to families and tremendous loss of life, but yet we say that Jesus is perfect love and that love unites. Accepting the love of Jesus into your heart unites you with God your creator and you become bonded to Jesus in love. However, love can divide and Jesus came to divide the darkness from the light, and if your families and nations choose to remain in the darkness, you will become divided from them. 

When we go out into the bright sun, we have to squint our eyes to protect them and we need to use sunglasses to shield our eyes from the blinding light. As bright as the son is, so is the Love of Jesus that shines through you when you accept Him into your life. That bright light that shines out from you often offends those who are in the darkness and they will retaliate against you. They will put on sunglasses to shield themselves from your light, and will turn their face away from you. It is not so much that the love of Jesus separates, but more that the darkness hates the light so much that it turns away from it and protects itself against it. 

When a family member accepts Jesus into their lives, the rest of the family which is still in darkness tends to turn away from the one who has the light. Do not be offended for they they can not bear the light that shines within of you. Walk boldly allowing your light to shine brightly and soon the piercing light that exudes from you through the love of Jesus, will begin to light their pathway for them as well and they will start to yearn for that same light to shine through them.

If you have never had the opportunity of having the light burn bright in your soul, then take this opportunity now and turn away from the darkness that you have been walking in and accept Jesus into your life, that His light could shine brightly through you. 

I love you.

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